KLM Schiphol Airport the Netherlands

Together with the Kgotla Company, specialised in leadership through dialogue, we have developed a unique new office concept stimulating the 80 staff members, responsible for 1500 KLM employees, to better cooperate. After careful analysis of the working process we have come up with a mix of different flexible and dedicated workplaces around a central square.
The square accommodates around 40 flexible workplaces in various settings: a soft open Oval Office for staff meetings, a large sofa configuration for brainstorms, a library to think, individual tables to concentrate and a kitchen table to share your problems. Employees unable to use a flexible workplace, i.e. while dealing with confidential information, have been allocated dedicated and more secluded workplaces.

The colour scheme is inspired by the aerial views around Schiphol Airport: large polders in different greens with sudden splashes of colour. A pallet of different shades of tranquil greens spiced up with the famous Dutch flower fields visible just before touching the ground at Schiphol. Special feature are the round circles on the square that together with a quick furniture transformation enables a Town Hall meeting where everyone can express her/his opinions in a open yet secured environment. All against a background of a 20 meters abstraction of a KLM plane taking off. Made with the latest acoustic product by Studio Lawrence: Harlekino, diamond stickers of 100% wool felt.